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enrollment appplication


3.2 Documenting Enrollment Procedures 


The Presidio Early College High School (PECHS) is partnered with Odessa College (OC) and The University of Texas Permian Basin (UTPB). Students will be given the opportunity to start obtaining college credit during their ninth grade year. PECHS students will be given the opportunity to obtain up to 60 college hours, free of charge, by the time they graduate from high school. These hours will be transferable to other four-year public colleges.



Presidio Early College High School is committed to provide our students the opportunity to start their careers and/or academic studies. Through our partnership with Odessa College (OC) and The University of Texas Permian Basin (UTPB), students can earn up to 60 credit hours of university coursework.
Our communication plan ensures all stakeholders are informed of our operation including the benefits of being in it as well as the academic progress and achievements of our students who enroll in our school.


To ensure that the predominant Hispanic population (students and parents) of Presidio ISD are informed about the opportunities at PECHS, we have informational materials in two languages (English and Spanish). PECHS has multiple opportunities throughout the academic year to inform students, parents and community members about the benefits and opportunities offered at PECHS. COVID-19 affected our recruitment efforts but we plan to follow our plan as much as possible, taking the status of the pandemic into account.

3.3 Stakeholder Engagement 


echs- english

